John-Paul Jimenez -
Neo-Modernist Artist

Inspired by the natural world my art reaches across species & space to communicate our conscious & unconscious understandings. All images are my own. Whether from sketch to photograph, I allow nature to be my media.

As an artist, I blend nature into media to form my art. You might not have guessed that I was born and raised in Queens, New York. The Met, MOMA and Museum of Natural History were a huge part of my childhood. By the time I was 13, I was regularly taking the subway to these cathedrals of human achievement and comprehension.

As a student, I studied Biology and Fine Arts and graduated college as a double major in both disciplines. In the mid-90's, I had a studio in Chelsea, NY and in the late 90's I moved to Boston to work in exploratory medicine for small Biotech and big Pharma.
20 years later I have lived on a barrier island on the north coast of Massachusetts and watched the pace of our dynamic climate influence this region. My studio is now on a small farm in coastal Mass. My research and inspiration are outside my front door
During this time I have been so fortunate to travel around the North Atlantic from the Arctic Circle to remote islands in the Caribbean Sea. Harnessing inspiration from each voyage, hike, adventure and family gathering; I weave these experiences into word and image.